Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years...Let it all out!

I have officially decided....that I will not have any New Year's resolutions. I can never keep them, and why should you make resolutions every year for things you should have been doing anyway? So, I have nothing more than to live life louder (Hawk Nelson fans holla ;) ). Why hold it all in, when you can let it all out?! I'm just gonna live life to the fullest, and for God's glory. Let's see what happens :) See ya'll next year! -Bailey

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What a lovely season...

Ready for some random ramblings? Hey, look! teacher would be proud. Anyway, this is amazing. I'm actually writing a post. Oh, I've lost my train of thought. I can't actually remember what I was going to write about.

 Ok, now I remember :) I was going to write about the season! We just finished Christmas (which was awesome btw), and all the holiday excitement is almost over. Only New Years remains...sadness. But this is also the perfect time to remember that we don't just have to wait until Christmas or Easter to celebrate Jesus Christ. While everyone would like you to think that Jesus is closest to you when you are having a great time over the holidays, he is closest to you when you need him most. Or when you just ask for him to be with you. Christmas is the time we celebrate his coming with the world, but why not celebrate his coming every day? Why not remind yourself that what he came for and celebrate his life, death, and Resurrection every time you open your eyes in the morning or take a breath during a stressful day?

  This season is beautiful, that is for sure. But we can have Christmas or Easter every day! Doesn't that sound lovely?! With the season of life that I'm in, nothing seems to go horribly wrong. But that doesn't mean that it never will. So I draw close to God when everything is going great, so I know how to draw even closer when things go badly. And being close to God is the greatest thing ever...ever! Knowing that the Most High loves you and cares for you is so amazing. And it seems more amazing every day. Not just at Christmas.

  So, dear readers, I encourage you to make every day a day for celebration. Even when things go wrong...celebrate in the love of Jesus Christ. And if you are reading this now and have never felt the love of Christ, here's what I have to say. Think of the happiest moment in your multiply that joy by a million. That's what kind of happiness God gives you. And feeling his presence, his gentle touch in the dark as you lay in bed thinking of the day to come, that's the most wonderful feeling ever.

   Try to love him like he loves you. You won't succeed...he loves you too much :) But celebrate his coming, and what he did for you, every day. It'll help you love him more.


Friday, December 16, 2011

December Randomness...

 It's December. AHHHHH!!!!! Where did my year go?! Anyway since I dont have anything to post about, here's some random pictures I just happen to have on my computer. Enjoy and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

 -Bailey :)

My sunglasses :)

                                                                       Me and Hugh Jackman


                                                                      Hairnet....nuff' said. They is spicy, right?