Monday, May 9, 2011

Goofy Quiz #<:-)

  My smiley has a party hat if you are wondering what that is. My mom was looking at an email, and she was like, "What is that?". She was looking at this: :-0. That is a smiley with it's mouth open. But you knew that.

 Ok rambling. LOL. Anyway, here's this goofy quiz that I took, and if you want to take it too, just email me your results, and I might post them on the blog if they are funny enough!

  • What song do you have stuck in your head? Well, um...haha I actually have the Potter Puppet Pals stuck in my head. :p
  • Describe your colors. What? Well I am going to say red. Not the angry type of red. The bright, happy, yet stubborn type. Lol. yah.
  • What color was your hair when you were born? Yet another, "Huh?". It was blond. Very blond and very fuzzy. Hehe I was pretty cute, and the only baby in the family born with blond hair.
  • If you could be any animal, what would it be? Probably a horse, or a hawk. Not really the eagle type...I love em' but I don't have the powerful dominating attitude. I mean I don't, right?
  • What words do you say to much? Hehe, I say well way to much. And LOL. A few more are like, awesome, Batman, moderately, OHMIGOSH (if that counts :p), yikes, and shoot. Like the frustrated shoot, not the bank raid kind.
  • Favorite superhero? Do I need even say it? BATMAN!!!!
  • Who is your worst nightmare? Mushu. The little dragon from Mulan. Remember? "Who are you?!" ..."Your worst nightmare." You have to watch the movie to get it.
  • If Mozart were alive, what would you say to him? YOU ARE AMAZING. *He runs off screaming. JK. I would probably say something along the lines of, "Your music is amazing, you are a genius, and you still screwed up your life. You need Christ man." Maybe a little bit more humbly, but you get the picture.
  • What was your fave toy as a kid? Sticks. No joke. I loves to play Lord Of The Rings with my sibs. Aw those were the days.
  • Fave music video? Oh goodness. Idk....I cant choose!!! Probably "Playing God" by Paramore. That was the last video their old drummer and guitarist (the best parts :'( ) were in. Sad, yet so good.
   Enjoy ya'll! Send me those quizzes! I need a laugh.

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