Monday, June 6, 2011

We're Back!

  Hey Ya'll!

  We are back from ADVANCE 2011! And let me tell was epic. The messages were challenging and inspiring. The games were hilarious. The competition was, understandably, competitive. The white water rafting was quite the adventure (our boat got stuck for 20 minutes, and everyone else from our group had to wait for us). And the lake/blob was a lot of fun.

   My favorite part was the extended worship on Friday (I think it was Friday) night. It was so amazing. The presence of God was felt. My friends and I prayed for each other in a not so small group (have I mentioned how amazing my friends are :)?), and there was not a dry eye in the place.

  Well, I'm glad to be back, and I'm sure that Brianna has plenty of pictures to follow :) See ya!


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