Monday, July 25, 2011

My Parents

         Thought I'd knock em both out in one go :) (Btw: I absolutely LOVE the pictures from these last few posts. And I didn't take them. The lovely Mrs. Prince did: Lillian Prince Photography. She takes some awesome pictures.)

         My parents are well, my parents. I mean I literally can't live without them. But they are more than that. They are caring, motivating, encouraging, loving, inspiring, amazing, and a a few more "ings".

         I love my mom a lot. Like a lot, a lot. But we might drive each other insane every once in a while. I am stubborn and arrogant. She's the one who has to deal with it. You get the picture. But she loves me anyway!! Now that is truly crazy love. She helps me through the trials in life, and encourages me to chase my dreams.

         Dad. He's kinda' like my mentor. I learn so much from him. I mean he taught me how to fish! Beat that! Seriously though, Dad loves to teach Seth, Maddie, and Me about God. It's his pleasure! Mom may be the one I go to with problems, but Dad's wisdom and encouragement mixed with Mom's sympathy and solutions are an unbeatable pair!


           Did I mention that when I get married I want my marriage to look like theirs? I do.

           Who wouldn't?! My Parents are pre-marital counselors at our church, and boy do they know their stuff. They have cranked out 8 couples over a 1 1/2 years. That's actually a lot when you are pretty much teaching them how to live.

           There isn't much I can say that could actually do justice to them, or honor them enough. I know that people say these things about their parents all the time, or at least they do in my church. But my parents have affected other people's lives as well.

          They help lead a team called the "Hospitality Team". This team feeds people at our church. Ok, they feed 1000 people at picnics, coordinate events, and devote hours and hours to the church. Needless to say, they work hard. My Mom and Dad contribute so much to this team. They have done a great job :) Trust me I've been there watching.

          My parents make up a whole lot of my life, and without them...who would know where I would be. Thanks guys.
     I love you.


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