Sunday, January 1, 2012


Hey Ya'll,

    So....I've wanted to say this for a while. It's not illegal to comment on my blog. I know shocking right? Some of you have but only when it's directed at you. Just so you know, I LOVE reading comments. Knowing that something I wrote amuses or touches you makes my day. Seriously, if you have any comments, questions, stories, or random knock-knock jokes, feel free to put them in a comment :) Or send them here if they are super long or you don't want the world seeing them:

  Happy commenting (yes, I expect some of you to start commenting)! -Bailey


  1. its not illegal to comment?!?! =P ... wait i am one of people that has commented on the blog......=P

  2. Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! Bailey!!!!!!!!

  3. I ,for one, refuse to be told what to do by a freshman, I'll never comment on your blog!

  4. One, Alyssa I am a sophmore thank you very much! And i'm also half way through that!

    two, Alex HEY GIRL! What up?!

    three, keep the comments coming on newer posts kids!!!
