Sunday, May 13, 2012


Hi Mom,

  I know you only check my blog occasionally, but since today is dedicated to you I though it might be nice to write a little something for ya. Well first off, I wouldn't really be alive without you, so thanks for that. Thank you for leading my in the Godly way, and raising me (and continuing to raise me) to be a woman of God. That is the most important thing about your job. Through the tears and laughter of my life, you've always been there for me. Even when I wasn't a very nice person. Thank you for always supporting me in my decisions (when they were smart), and giving me advice with other decisions (when they weren't so smart). I wouldn't have gotten far without you.

  Thanks Mom for everything. I love you :)


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


So there I was in the kitchen when an idea came to me! I jumped up and ran up the stairs (more like pounded up the stairs) ran into my room and looked into the mirror and thought: “Why did I come in here? There must be a reason.” I went back out of my room and three seconds later I jumped up. Ran back in my room and grabbed a bag of SKITTLES! Yes, that was my oh so brilliant idea.
Ever have something like this happen to you?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Guest Post By Kendall :)

Hi Guys :)

 So Brianna and I have a lovely friend named Kendall (I would post a picture of her if I had any, but ya know :P), and she has agreed to write a guest post about passion in Christ. I loved this post in how she showed how passion for Christ and living a life for Him could encourage her to have such good responses, and how it could lead her to encourage others through her words. So without further ado, here's a guest post by Kendall :)

   So, I've been recruited to do a guest post on this awesome blog, sweet! I am also supposed to write about a passion for Christ...even sweeter! I've been thinking a lot lately, about why we're here. We're here to spread the glorious new of the gospel. That's the reason for life. Hang on tight, 'cause this is gonna get deep here in a second. Let me tell you about a recent conflict that occurred while I was babysitting my 3 younger brothers. So here's what went down: Ryan smashed Matthew's lego airplane. Uh oh. So Matthew gets angry with Ryan and lashes out with his words. So that's when I walk in. I try to keep a quiet patience as I attempt to fix the problem (being the babysitter, this is my job). I send Ryan out of the room so that I can talk to Matthew alone. Matthew then begins to tell me all about Ryan has done. He continues on and on until it's my turn to make an observation. "Matthew," I say, "I know that Ryan did that, and it was wrong of him, but what did you do wrong in this?" He seems upset at this and replies more about how he had worked so very hard on the plane Ryan smashed. He will not accept the fact that I am trying to confront his own sin and not Ryan's right now. (Keep with me here, it gets better I promise!!) After a little more of this, I remember an illustration someone shared at church that really spoke to me, so I decide to share it with Matthew.

               "Matthew, trying to be perfect is like trying to jump over the Grand Canyon. Even if you can jump 10 feet and Ryan jumps 5, you both fall. So what difference does it make who jumps farther? When you fall, you die, and when you die, you can't explain that you jumped farther than he did. That's why we need a bridge. That's the reason God sent his son to die for us. Because we've all sinned and we've all fallen and we cannot jump across the Grand Canyon. We need a bridge! Jesus is that bridge for us, and he will carry us all the way to the other side. We just have to say 'No. I cannot do it. I cannot jump that far. I need a savior.""

                I left him with that. This was a big step for us and I sincerely hope Matthew understands who Jesus is a little better. Afterwards, I remembered something from the sermon we'd heard that very same day:
(Matthew 10:19-20) " not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. (20) For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." It really made me think. God was in that moment with Matthew. He used me to speak to him! Matthew came to me later and thanked me for sharing that with him and said that it really helped him. But I know that it was not me who thought of that illustration, and it wasn't me who was speaking to him, but it was the Spirit of my Father speaking through me. What a cool feeling it is!

               Thanks for listening to my crazy rambles. I hope this encourages you guys as much as it encourages me. :)

~ Kendall Hayden

Monday, May 7, 2012

Briannas Back!

Yeah, Its been awhile and you might have forgotten about me, but I`m still on the planet!!!!! Been busy finishing the school year, big bro graduating scary....he needs to stay my 8 year old big brother for FOREVER! ...wait he might not like that . =) Also been working on next year`s school schedule EEK! I`m gonna be a SENIOR and doing a few COLLEGE classes (probably) EEK! Turned 16 in April SCREAM! and got a new camera DOUBLE SCREAM!!! getting ready for summer... probably not going to get a job this summer...even if I want a cell phone yeah I`m one of those starnge teenages that doesn`t have a cell phone.... oh well its not a necessary thing for life and I don`t really want to spend $100 bucks on a phone and then pay $20 buck a month for unlimited text and no minutes, hey I`m homeschooled talking on the phone is like evil...well not really but I don`t like it. I`m going to be taking a Photography class again this summer =D Thats going to be sooooo much fun =D ...haven`t got my permit yet and don`t really care about getting it... me on the roads..well that is a scary thing, really scary...well I`ll probably be alright just growing up is a scary thing and driving is a BIG step for me. I`m gonna try to get it before summer...maybe. =)
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now!)