Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hmm...What Now?

Ok so I am completely out of ideas. For blogging that is :) I could blog about swimming but I talk about it enough as is. I could blog about school but its the same story. I can always blog about God but im not good at it and do Him no justice. Oh boy. I need some ideas. Most of you know how to reach me. If not just comment. I do have one thing to say though: While at City Meet this weekend, I was preparing to swim when a guy walked by who was a little older than me. On his arm, in water-proof pen he had written "I swim for His glory". I was actually very affected. So affected that I went and told him so! So this week, whether you eat or drink or what ever you do, do it for the glory of God. See ya :) -B

 P.S. Ignore any spelling errors. I am having a bad time with my keyboard :p


  1. Haha, no one ever comments!!!!But anyway! I LOVE YOUR BLOG...i read it all the time ;)

  2. Yeah... No one ever does! The only thing I can think of that would make the blog better, is if it was updated more. Which is really dependent on your schedule.... So ya. Keep up the good work!!!
