Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On Growing Up

 My 16th birthday is quickly approaching. My sister (not really blood related, but all the same to me) is graduating next month. Actually, a lot of people are graduating next month and most of them are going away! I got my permit yesterday (finally :P). Milestones, milestones, milestones. Every week it seems like I hit a new one. My little brother is 13. 13!! My baby sister is not a baby, but 10!!! WHAT IN THE FREAK JUST HAPPENED!?!?!?

 Growing up is exciting, and every kid wants to grow up. Until they are grown up. Then they want to be kids again. I personally want to stay a child, but I want high school to be over. I want to have responsibility, but not too much. I'd love to get a job, but I fear I would flounder in the "real world". Growing up is full of fear for me. College is right around the corner. What in the world will I do there?! I can't believe how fast time has gone, the minutes of my life ticking past and I haven't even noticed until now.

 Not only am I growing up in ways like getting older, I am growing up in ways of life. A life well lived is a life in God's service. My life is currently, and will always be, in God's service. I am afraid of what is going to come in my life in the next 2 years. But I am not going to be alone. God is going to carry my through adversity, and bring me out stronger--but still leaning on his grace, as always :) I wouldn't want it any other way.

 Even though growing up is a daunting task, I think I will survive. Even if I can't get the minutes back. I am looking forwards to life ahead, and looking back at memories of time gone. God's been with me the whole time. He is still with me. He will be with me forever.


 P.S. This is post number 80!! WOOT WOOT!!

#27 (i think)- Growing up

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