Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back at Summer 2010!

Wow. 2010 was here and now its gone. This year was really, really awesome :) When I look back on it (not surprisingly) I see my summer. One of the best summers ever! Last summer we had the best vacation ever, but this summer was just FULL of great stuff! First: I got off school! That's a blessing in its self! Second: June was really fun! Track was SUPER HARD because it was about 105 degrees. But still fun. I mean who doesn't love the feeling of crossing the finish line after a race?! Also, throughout June, my wonderful friend Brianna and her family planned weekly activities that were, lets say interesting, though probably the best time I had that month! We went to "the Y" (river in the mountains. it was freezing BTW :)) every Tuesday, and then the park every Thursday. I only made it to one park day but it was still real fun! That was June and now July! YAY MY B-DAY!! I turned 14 on July, 7. The next day we went to a different location of probably the same river we went to earlier. It may have been the best day of that summer! Maybe. Then the icing on the cake (and guys tell me if I have dates mixed up!): Advance. Our Youth group retreat. During those three days I got sick, got scared to death multiple times by my guy friends, played the same card game like a million times, and got the closest to God I ever think I have. It was amazing! By far the best retreat ever. I'm sure my friends agree :) don't you guys? I loved my summer and i'm looking forward to summer 2011...oh yeah and I'll be driving in this one ;) be careful. Thanks to all my friends for sharing that memorable summer with me, and thanks you God for allowing it to be so! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Something You Should Know About Me

OK, before I get to deep into this blog you all need to know something: I am not as I seem. I love hard rock. I am an athlete who would rather play than sit and talk (not that there's anything wrong with that!). And I am a gamer. :) Halo, Call of Duty, Rock Band, and anything on Xbox Kinect are my faves. My blog so far has been only random things that I decided to post because I couldn't think of anything else. From now on I vow to be the person God made me, and not sugar-coat! Thanks for reading! -Bailey

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Hope Chest Experience

On Christmas morning, I was blessed with a case of beautiful Christmas tree ornaments. I had pointed these out to my mom while we were shopping, and she must have taken it to heart :) Anyway, when I opened them, my mom said, "These are for your hope chest." I had known that some people had hope chests but never really thought I would have an "official" one. Thinking about it today while I looked at the glass bulbs that will one day find themselves on the tree, I thought about the different trees they would be on. A small tree in a dorm-room, a regular tree in the home of a newly-married couple, a heavily decorated tree (with homemade ornaments of course!) being gazed at by small, precious eyes,  and maybe even a tree decorated by grandchildren. I realized how precious just a box of ornaments was. My parents care about me enough to start preparing me for the days when I have my own family! I hope that my hope chest will be filled over the years with things I will always cherish.

    In Him,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"The Heart Asks Pleasure First" by Michael Nyman

This is my friend Nathan! He is (obviously!) a very talented pianist! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Few Random Things In Life: Snow!

Well it has been a' snowin' in Tennessee! It was gorgeous! A white Christmas was the one gift that I hadn't even thought of. Now its melting which will just make mud, then it will freeze and everything will be ice. Oh boy. Well I don't really like the cold if you can't tell, but i do like the snow! What I thought was very strange was learning about snow in science. The conditions have to be just right to make flakes. Also something that everyone knows is that no two flakes are alike! Oh the thoughtfulness of the Lord! That is what I find so amazing about snow! The Lord it truly good! Well, that's all the rambling I can do for now on snow :) I will try and post some pictures soon! Happy Blogging! -Bailey

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I did it!

Welcome, to my blog. Yes, the name is stupid. Yes, I don't really have much to post about. Yes, i am working on it! So first and foremost, I am a Christian. If you do not agree with that I'm sorry, but that is mainly what my blog will be about. Secondly, I am a musician! I am currently working on starting a band (rock :)), and I hope I'll be able to post some pictures of videos of us. Thanks for coming and I hope you enjoy my blog!