Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Hope Chest Experience

On Christmas morning, I was blessed with a case of beautiful Christmas tree ornaments. I had pointed these out to my mom while we were shopping, and she must have taken it to heart :) Anyway, when I opened them, my mom said, "These are for your hope chest." I had known that some people had hope chests but never really thought I would have an "official" one. Thinking about it today while I looked at the glass bulbs that will one day find themselves on the tree, I thought about the different trees they would be on. A small tree in a dorm-room, a regular tree in the home of a newly-married couple, a heavily decorated tree (with homemade ornaments of course!) being gazed at by small, precious eyes,  and maybe even a tree decorated by grandchildren. I realized how precious just a box of ornaments was. My parents care about me enough to start preparing me for the days when I have my own family! I hope that my hope chest will be filled over the years with things I will always cherish.

    In Him,

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