Sunday, April 3, 2011

Liquid Sunshine Blog Party+Give Away!

So, I found this blog party/give away thing on Melanie's blog, Forever His Servant. The stuff they are giving away is amazing! For girls! Sorry guys, yet again :p Oh well. So I will post the link and take the quiz attached. You all can take the quiz and send me your results via email if you like:) ( i love learning more about my friends. Have fun!

  Favorite Season? Why?- Spring and  Fall. They aren't hot and they aren't cold. Usually. The only drawback: allergies! Ugh they are awful!

 How would you describe your personality- Crazy. The end.

What is one strange thing you can do? (The crazier the better!)- Um I catch food in my mouth. Really well. Like I almost never miss. Not to brag or anything.

 Rain or Shine?- Shine please! Although rain is pretty I guess depends on the mood.

Confession time...what's a flaw of yours?- Hmm, to pick our of the thousands?? Not fair. Probably judgemental thinking. I judge people all the time, instead of just giving them a chance. I am working on it though!

Favorite music?- Oh boy, here we go! Skillet, flyleaf, paramore (yay!), the letter black (they are sooooo awesome), red ( they signed my shoes  :)). I love all music really, but those are some of my faves.

Have you ever made a decision you instantly regretted? What was it?- Wow. So many to choose from. Probably getting into drama with "friends" that caused a lot of pain. Yah not fun.

Who do you admire/look up to?- My parents, grandparents, pastors, and Batman. Sorry to ruin the sentimental moment. :)

You've just won an unlimited supply of...(fill in blank)- Um... wow. That's tough. Time with the people I love. Because that's always the most fun.

If you were an animal, what would you be?- A hawk. Nothing like my personality, but I LOVE hawks. And eagles. :) Birds of prey....muhahaha!

You're now a gazillionare. How do you spend you money?- Well, first I would buy all the things my band needs, and set aside some money for the band (travel, eat, replace things if needed). Then I would give my parents money to use how they please. My brother and sister too. Pay for my own wedding (then I wont feel so bad :p). Give to lots of charities!!! Adopt a beautiful baby from either China or Africa. Then give the rest to God. It's His money anyway!

 Classical music: love it or hate it?- LOVE it. It's where all music started, and so I have a very special apprecitaion for it.

 Phobias?- Arachna. Phobia. I. Hate. Spiders. Things happened this summer with the BIGGEST spiders I've ever seen. GROSS!! And I don't really like being touched. Unless it's my mom. Or you're playing with my hair :)

 Are you an extrovert or an introvert?- Um huh? I feel really stupid right now. Anyone care to explain? :p

 Would you perform/act on stage?- Sure. Why not! I'm going to have to anyway, and I already have a little. Especially if the band takes off. In like 20 years. jk.

Have Fun!!-B

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