Friday, July 29, 2011

When Your Heart Cries

 Last night, I was picking up a book to read. Just a pleasure book that had nothing to do with school or learning about anyhting. A couple of days ago, I had been meaning to do a devotion after I got home from a run, but got caught up in chores and forgot my plans. Then when picking up this pleasure book, I saw my notebook that I take to church with me. In it, it has notes from every message i've attended for the last 2 years or more. I thought for a moment. My heart was crying out for God, and I knew it. Maybe just a few pages of this book then I will study God's word. That was my thought. I opened the book and began to read, but the words were so empty. From there I couldn't wait any longer. I found my bible (I had been taking care of the kids at our church the last few Sundays, so I had left my bible downstairs), grabbed a sheet of prayer requests, and turned on my ipod. I guess most people don't listen to music when they are trying to read, but I find it nice to have something playing in the background. I began reading Proverbs, but upon looking at the prayer sheet, I saw Psalms 68. It was amazing. God is so good to give us books like the Psalms. I couldn't stop reading!! I went all the way through chapter 70. As I was reading the song "I Adore You" by Rebecca St. James came on. I began to tear up as I listened to this song. It was excactly my prayer. God works in mysterious ways. Yet wonderful ways. My heart was crying out for Him, and I couldn't ignore it. "Blesses be the Lord, who daily bears up; God is our salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverance from death." Psalms 68:19&20.


Monday, July 25, 2011

My Parents

         Thought I'd knock em both out in one go :) (Btw: I absolutely LOVE the pictures from these last few posts. And I didn't take them. The lovely Mrs. Prince did: Lillian Prince Photography. She takes some awesome pictures.)

         My parents are well, my parents. I mean I literally can't live without them. But they are more than that. They are caring, motivating, encouraging, loving, inspiring, amazing, and a a few more "ings".

         I love my mom a lot. Like a lot, a lot. But we might drive each other insane every once in a while. I am stubborn and arrogant. She's the one who has to deal with it. You get the picture. But she loves me anyway!! Now that is truly crazy love. She helps me through the trials in life, and encourages me to chase my dreams.

         Dad. He's kinda' like my mentor. I learn so much from him. I mean he taught me how to fish! Beat that! Seriously though, Dad loves to teach Seth, Maddie, and Me about God. It's his pleasure! Mom may be the one I go to with problems, but Dad's wisdom and encouragement mixed with Mom's sympathy and solutions are an unbeatable pair!


           Did I mention that when I get married I want my marriage to look like theirs? I do.

           Who wouldn't?! My Parents are pre-marital counselors at our church, and boy do they know their stuff. They have cranked out 8 couples over a 1 1/2 years. That's actually a lot when you are pretty much teaching them how to live.

           There isn't much I can say that could actually do justice to them, or honor them enough. I know that people say these things about their parents all the time, or at least they do in my church. But my parents have affected other people's lives as well.

          They help lead a team called the "Hospitality Team". This team feeds people at our church. Ok, they feed 1000 people at picnics, coordinate events, and devote hours and hours to the church. Needless to say, they work hard. My Mom and Dad contribute so much to this team. They have done a great job :) Trust me I've been there watching.

          My parents make up a whole lot of my life, and without them...who would know where I would be. Thanks guys.
     I love you.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mee Lil' Bro

  My Little Bro Seth. He's  a goof if there ever was one, but he has a big heart. He enjoys playing. A lot. Like, more than I have ever seen a 12 year old boy play. It's pretty funny.

Lord of the Rings is one of his favorites. Here are my brother and sister's capes that my mom made for them. They are...unique.

He also love legos, and anything Tennessee sports. Life is orange and white to him :)

I envy him for his....wait for it... eyes. They are so blue!!! And his eye lashes are so dark and full. He's a boy. This shouldn't be happening. But oh to steal those eye lashes!!

He loves doing impressions (The Joker from Batman is a frequent caller to our house). He can also memorize just about any slogan for any company. It's fun to quiz him.

Seth loves people and God. Loves fishing, and loves being a boy. He pretty much loves everything...except Paramore, Flyleaf, and Skillet. Yah that is pretty sad.

Like I said he's a goof. Always making jokes, playing to himself, and just being silly. He's pretty content though. You can leave him alone for hours and he can entertain himself. He's pretty easy to babysit :)

He's my little brother by 3 years, and the one I grew up playing with. Maddie was always so young when I was little we didn't do too much playing. Seth and I explored every corner of our backyard (we have lived in this house for 15 years), and every corner of our house.

Seth. He's a great kid.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

July Birthdays!

 Here we go....I am going to forget someone. Please if I missed you, comment and tell me. Here goes! Kaitlin, Alli (my cousin), and Rylie (my other cousin) all on the 1st, Jackson (6th), Me (7th), and Julia (11th). I think that's it. So happy birthday to all ya'll!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Little Sister

     I am going to introduce you to my family bit by bit. Starting with the baby: My not so little anymore sister, Maddie. She's so cute. So the baby of the family. She love baby dolls, hates pink, loves reading, hates brussel sprouts, and loves Jesus.

    She's the sweety with a mischievous streak at times. She's the only one in the family who ended up with green eyes. The rest of us got blue. Not that that's a bad thing, but her eyes are very uniquely shaded and they change colors. Which is awesome.

    I share a room with Maddie, and there is an obvious difference in what is who's. My stuff is the flyleaf poster, the cd's all over the place, and the socks on the floor. Maddie's stuff is the baby dolls and all that they include (clothes and accessories :p), the art supplies, and the stickers.

   My little sister is sweet and gentle. Until she's the only girl :) Then she blends quite well actually. She runs, plays, fishes (I taught her all she knows ;) [yah right]), and enjoys dirt and sticky fingers. Outdoorsy and energetic are two of her best qualities.

  Seth, my brother, are closer in age than her and I (3 years compared to 6). They are very close in the fact that they both love to play. They play Lord of the Rings, Legos, and whatever imaginary things they can come up with. She enjoys talking to me. She tells me about her problems, her triumphs, and anything in-between. She asks me for advice, which is probably bad judgment on her part :p.

  I love my little sister, and there is so much more to her than what I have named. Hopefully one day you will meet her and see what I mean :)


    P.S. This is our 60th post!! Just look at how far the Lord has brought us and how much He has blessed us. Thanks for being faithful readers!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


  Do you know how many orphans are in the world? To many. Little children left without parents to take care of them. Many loving families have adopted these precious children. Or are fostering them until they find their forever home. My Uncle and Aunt in Missouri are doing this for some of the most precious children I have ever seen! I wish I had pictures. Another is one of my best friends, Kaitlin. She and her family are taking care of two kids who are just too cute.

 Did you know that it's not only orphans that become adopted? I know that this concept may have been presented to you before, but just think about it. Sinners like me have been adopted into the God's family. We were never really orphans, since we had our heavenly father, but we were still apart from him.

 Now we are one less orphan. God has adopted us. And the only reason he could is because of Jesus. Isn't that awesome?! As Christians, we can sit at his table. Jesus is so good!

 Pray for all the orphans in the world. Whether they are without parents or without Christ.


 P.S. Why don't you go check out On Our Knees In Prayer? It's on Melanie's blog Forever His Servant. It's a great opportunity :) I joined and I think you should too.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Back :p

   If you were wondering if I fell off the side of the world...I didn't. Haha I have just been so busy that I haven't had time to post! One thing I would like to post about would be Sunday's sermon at my church. It was about walking in integrity. So convicting and encouraging. If you are interested in listening to it here's a link to the website: Cornerstone Church of Knoxville. You can usually download the messages from the site. Well, I am off to finish a very busy day! -Bailey

  P.S. I am very excited about my birthday tomorrow :) I will be of legal age to drive!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recap of da week

Well last week was so much Fun!!! Tuesday my Photography class had a field trip and had a friend to spend the night after that Wednesday was fun took more pictures and laughed til i gave myself the hiccups =) Thursday went tubing/ in a river all day with friends .... that was so much Fun! Saturday play soccor with friends then went to Relay (our youth group) POOL PARTY!!! Sunday i love Sundays... we watched 3 movies... Yogi Bear well forgettable, Tron was pretty cool, and well I am number four was intense... and Monday went tubing with a few friends... then sort of watched a movie... well i didnt really watch it i was busy working with duct tape =) i made a bow tie & earrings. i also make hair bows, rings, bracelets, necklaces/well they are more like chokers and i am working on making wallets.... and myself a hat =) so what colors do i have well i also have black
=) well thats all for right now.. ttfn ~ Brianna