Friday, July 15, 2011

My Little Sister

     I am going to introduce you to my family bit by bit. Starting with the baby: My not so little anymore sister, Maddie. She's so cute. So the baby of the family. She love baby dolls, hates pink, loves reading, hates brussel sprouts, and loves Jesus.

    She's the sweety with a mischievous streak at times. She's the only one in the family who ended up with green eyes. The rest of us got blue. Not that that's a bad thing, but her eyes are very uniquely shaded and they change colors. Which is awesome.

    I share a room with Maddie, and there is an obvious difference in what is who's. My stuff is the flyleaf poster, the cd's all over the place, and the socks on the floor. Maddie's stuff is the baby dolls and all that they include (clothes and accessories :p), the art supplies, and the stickers.

   My little sister is sweet and gentle. Until she's the only girl :) Then she blends quite well actually. She runs, plays, fishes (I taught her all she knows ;) [yah right]), and enjoys dirt and sticky fingers. Outdoorsy and energetic are two of her best qualities.

  Seth, my brother, are closer in age than her and I (3 years compared to 6). They are very close in the fact that they both love to play. They play Lord of the Rings, Legos, and whatever imaginary things they can come up with. She enjoys talking to me. She tells me about her problems, her triumphs, and anything in-between. She asks me for advice, which is probably bad judgment on her part :p.

  I love my little sister, and there is so much more to her than what I have named. Hopefully one day you will meet her and see what I mean :)


    P.S. This is our 60th post!! Just look at how far the Lord has brought us and how much He has blessed us. Thanks for being faithful readers!

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