Monday, May 23, 2011

Born Again: More Than Just a Make Over

  Last year at Advance, Mark Altrogge spoke on being born again. He explained that it's a process where God takes away your old heart, and gives you a new one that is joined with Christ. Isn't that cool?! We now have a heart joined with Christ Jesus!

  He also explained that you are now as if you haven't sinned. Your slate has been wiped clean, you could say. I was thinking about this earlier, and came up with a little thing to help describe what has happened to me. I have been REmade, REjuvinated, REdeemed. It's true! If you born again in Christ, then you are the same.

This song by Tenth Avenue North that describes this perfectly. You aren't what you've done.

      Truly an awesome song!

     I hope to post some pictures, and maybe some links to messages from Advance. They are really worth checking out :) Have an awesome day! -Bailey

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