Tuesday, May 3, 2011


  My friends are so goofy. You just gotta love em'. I have all kinds of friends, and I love all my friends. They are so special to me, and they are such a big part of my life.

    I LOVE goofing off and being silly with them.  These girls (and the one taking the picture :P) are some of my best friends. (From left to right: Arianna, Alex, Kaitlin, Sarah, Amanda, and Me.) This was at Advance (our youth group retreat.), as are all the other pics I will put in this post.

   The bonfire. Ahh that was fun. (From left to right: Front row-Melanie, Josh, Grant, James, Josh and Collin [standing]. Back row-Brianna, Kendall, Me, Amanda, Sarah, and Analisa.) It didn't last long for me...I got kinda sick. It's a long story, and I get sick every year on the last day. But I really don't care. My friends make me feel better. :)                                       
          While playing cards. (Left to Right: Kaitlin, Kendall, and Blaise) Egyptian Rat Slap is the name of the game in Relay. We love to play it and get very competitive :)

      There's me with my tongue sticking out, as usual. Arianna (right) and Alyssa (left). My BFF's!! Well 2 of 7. Yah I have a lot of best friends, but 4 are sisters. I feel better if the are all in one family. Idk why, but you know, I just feel a little selfish having 7 bf's! Oh well. 
                  And this is pretty much our whole youth group! Aren't we awesome?! Jk. Well we are, but I don't want to be prideful. Anyway, these people are all my friends. But more importantly, they are my family. These are my brothers and sisters in Christ. I love them all like they are my brothers and sisters!! My friends mean so much to me and they don't even know it. You know who you are! So pat yourself on the back, cuz' you're a great friend!! Make sure to appreciate your friends, cuz' they deserve it. Have a great day! -Bailey     

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