Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Music, and Just How Much it Means to Me.

   I have 2 ipods, a Grooveshark, a Pandora, a Youtube, and 100's of CD's. All of these are devoted to music. Music, other than God, is my passion. I love it so much! I have no idea what my life would be like without it!

   Last night, I was listening to a song from my new favorite soundtrack: Inception. (Which is also my fave movie) The song was called "Time". I just closed my eyes, and let my thought wander while I listened to it. I know that sounds kinda' cheesy, but I seriously got goosebumps listening to it.

   In the last few years, I have realized that passion in my life that God put there himself. Last night as I thought more about it, I realized that I have loved music my whole life! When I was very little, making up songs on my little keyboard thing (You know the kid version of a xylophone? With the colored keys? Yah I loved that thing :p). My best friends tell me that I have been singing little songs I made up in my head since that time as well. I realized that my music classes have always been the best part of the week. The piano especially. I love the way my fingers move across the keys...the fact that I make that sound is so amazing to me.

     Here is "Time", from the Inception soundtrack. Let it sink in as you listen to it, and you will really love this song. Gosh I feel as if I've written a book! I have a lot of school to finish, so unfortunately I must part from this post. (That was dramatic :p) Anyway, enjoy the music, and really appreciate your favorite song today. Worship God with your music and nothing can go wrong with it.
 *You will have to pause the music player to watch this video, and the one in the last post. Sorry, I should have clarified earlier.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THAT MOVIE AND I LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK! me and j just were listening to it five minutes ago !! i especially like the end of this song it makes me think of the movie and how it ended perfect...
