Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day and Why We Remember It

    Hello all! I hope you have had a great Memorial Day weekend! I have :) I thought that maybe I would share why Memorial Day is so special to me. For one thing: Freedom isn't free. Thousands...millions of men have died for our country and our freedom.

   The second thing: I have had family in the wars. They didn't die. At least the ones I knew or knew of. My great-great-Uncle Max was a WWII hero. He fought off battalions of German soldiers by himself!! Protecting the few survivors that were left, he blew up tanks, and shot machine guns until the barrels literally melted. When he arrived home to his small town, he was welcomed as a hero.

  The other family member that was in a war was my Uncle Ronnie. He was my grandfather's brother. He served two (I think it was two) tours in Vietnam. In February, he passed away from an illness. He was really special to our family, and I am glad to remember him today.

  Our country has been through a lot, and mostly on the backs of the common soldier have we come through. Soldiers are most definitely not common. They are faithful, unselfish, and have a passion for their country.

   Well, we are having a little get-together with some friends today to celebrate so I'm off to finish cleaning and helping mom get food. Have a wonderful and blessed memorial day! -Bailey

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