Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years...Let it all out!

I have officially decided....that I will not have any New Year's resolutions. I can never keep them, and why should you make resolutions every year for things you should have been doing anyway? So, I have nothing more than to live life louder (Hawk Nelson fans holla ;) ). Why hold it all in, when you can let it all out?! I'm just gonna live life to the fullest, and for God's glory. Let's see what happens :) See ya'll next year! -Bailey

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What a lovely season...

Ready for some random ramblings? Hey, look! teacher would be proud. Anyway, this is amazing. I'm actually writing a post. Oh, I've lost my train of thought. I can't actually remember what I was going to write about.

 Ok, now I remember :) I was going to write about the season! We just finished Christmas (which was awesome btw), and all the holiday excitement is almost over. Only New Years remains...sadness. But this is also the perfect time to remember that we don't just have to wait until Christmas or Easter to celebrate Jesus Christ. While everyone would like you to think that Jesus is closest to you when you are having a great time over the holidays, he is closest to you when you need him most. Or when you just ask for him to be with you. Christmas is the time we celebrate his coming with the world, but why not celebrate his coming every day? Why not remind yourself that what he came for and celebrate his life, death, and Resurrection every time you open your eyes in the morning or take a breath during a stressful day?

  This season is beautiful, that is for sure. But we can have Christmas or Easter every day! Doesn't that sound lovely?! With the season of life that I'm in, nothing seems to go horribly wrong. But that doesn't mean that it never will. So I draw close to God when everything is going great, so I know how to draw even closer when things go badly. And being close to God is the greatest thing ever...ever! Knowing that the Most High loves you and cares for you is so amazing. And it seems more amazing every day. Not just at Christmas.

  So, dear readers, I encourage you to make every day a day for celebration. Even when things go wrong...celebrate in the love of Jesus Christ. And if you are reading this now and have never felt the love of Christ, here's what I have to say. Think of the happiest moment in your multiply that joy by a million. That's what kind of happiness God gives you. And feeling his presence, his gentle touch in the dark as you lay in bed thinking of the day to come, that's the most wonderful feeling ever.

   Try to love him like he loves you. You won't succeed...he loves you too much :) But celebrate his coming, and what he did for you, every day. It'll help you love him more.


Friday, December 16, 2011

December Randomness...

 It's December. AHHHHH!!!!! Where did my year go?! Anyway since I dont have anything to post about, here's some random pictures I just happen to have on my computer. Enjoy and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

 -Bailey :)

My sunglasses :)

                                                                       Me and Hugh Jackman


                                                                      Hairnet....nuff' said. They is spicy, right?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A little word...

To my dear friends,

Most of you probably won't read this but I don't care. This is for you! Each of you will get a little word that expresses a lot. If the reader doesn't get it, then it's probably for the best and you will most likely get it. If not...blonde moment. Here goes!

Alex: I will catch up to you!! (I would drive for a while once I get my permit!)

Alyssa: I will vote for you.

Arianna: No touchy!! Just kidding ;)

Alalisa: :P

Kaitlin: CALL ME!!

Kendall: I really should write a novel shouldn't I?

Neeley: Remember to bring the white cheddar cheese it's and smoothies flavored jelly beans!

Brianna: Carryin' the banner home free all!!

Abbie: If I'm not dead then I'm there for you.

Blaise: He is very pudgy.

Melanie K: You have no idea how much you encourage me :)

Now for the guys:

Grant: I'm still faster :)

Jack: I don't care if you are a year and a day older!!

Dennis: Spicy? Really?

Josh: the king's speech. We need to watch it soon.

Henry: You make a terrible public schooler

Brient: The preying mantis you ate is endangered. Well it was.

To anyone I missed, terribly sorry but maybe I wanted to give you your small word in person :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm back (maybe)

Oh goodness it's been a long time, friends. I miss writing out whatever I want and having people read it from all over the world. It's great to see the views from germany and Russia and all those othe places! And getting new followers to share my life with. So let's start with an update. Well I'm finishing up my first semester of 10th grade and it has been so much fun!! I really love learning about everything I can get my hands on...except for maybe math. Anywho, I promised to tell you about meeting a movie star so here's the story: Real Steel was just coming out an there was a benefit screening (charity) of te movie with an appearance from Hugh Jackman!So we went, hoping to see him and at best talk to him. He got out of his car and beat feet over to say hello to all the people waiting to see him...including me!! He was really nice and even took a picture with me! And that's my little story of well, startstruck wonder :p I'll post the pictures later since I'm on my iPod now and can't get to it.

Farewell children! I've missed you and hopefully I will return! And don't forget that you are all in my prayers :)


Sunday, October 9, 2011

As you've probably guessed :)

Hello Peoples.

  As you have probably figured out, I haven't been blogging lately. Haha yah that's not obvious. I am just SUPER busy with swimming, school, and everything in between. Nothing major has changed and nothing exciting has happened...except for I met Hugh Jackman, but that's another story. Just want you to know that for a little while longer my posts will probably be few and far between. I feel bad not putting anything up here, but what can I do? Thanks for understanding, and maybe (if I can finish my homework :)) I'll post the story about my movie star meeting. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just Until I Have Something More Interesting...

 Life is pretty boring at the moment, soooo here's a video...just cuz I have nothing to post. Me and Brianna are working on a segment on a volunteering job we did, which turned out to be hilarious and really fun. Enjoy, and know that I miss you guys!! I will be back soon. Promise.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

It`s been awhile

It`s been awhile since I posted... be busy from school to cleaning and having company. Jason`s going to a collage class this semester.We are going to Florida this month!!!! It will be my first time!!!! Yeah, shocking.... But I have been to Nebraska oh yeah how many of you have done that?...=D ....I don`t remember it though...hum.... I found a saying in a book that I read that stood out to me "Whenever you can`t sleep at night it`s God`s way of telling you to pray. That there`s someone who need your prayers." That quote is in Summer by Karen Kingsbury. Lately I have been reading 2 of her series (The Baxter Family Drama and The Bailey Flanigan series) . Her books are Christian Fiction aka novels which I really like. =) Well I guess thats all for now ~Brianna

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Poems, Co-ops, and Daily Naps

    I know it's been forever since I have posted, but you can't blame me! I have officially started my sophomore year in high school. And have school up to my nose. Time management has not included blogging for a while.

    Doing chores is a time to (for my family) be silly. We turn the radio on and dance nearly every day. And last week I wrote, or made up, a poem. About my favorite things. Here it is.

  Batman, soda pop, driving in the parking lot,
  I wish I could go swimming every day.
  Taking pictures, singing songs,
  Eating chocolate all day long.
  I'll play some notes and then I'll turn the page.

  Hanging out with friends, and laughing with the fam,
  Learning more about my God, and worshipping the Lamb

  Living life with all I've got, and dancing randomly,
  These are the things I love to do, that help me to be me.

  Hold your applause :) Just kidding. Anyway, co-ops have started. Which means that I will be super busy, and less blogging will happen.

 And just something to laugh at...I am back to the days of kindergarten. Taking a nap almost every day. I am such a baby. But getting up at 6 every morning (sarcasm...I've tried every morning. Yah, it doesn't work.) is hard! That or I just miss the days when things were simple. OH well. Off to do more school! -Bailey



Friday, July 29, 2011

When Your Heart Cries

 Last night, I was picking up a book to read. Just a pleasure book that had nothing to do with school or learning about anyhting. A couple of days ago, I had been meaning to do a devotion after I got home from a run, but got caught up in chores and forgot my plans. Then when picking up this pleasure book, I saw my notebook that I take to church with me. In it, it has notes from every message i've attended for the last 2 years or more. I thought for a moment. My heart was crying out for God, and I knew it. Maybe just a few pages of this book then I will study God's word. That was my thought. I opened the book and began to read, but the words were so empty. From there I couldn't wait any longer. I found my bible (I had been taking care of the kids at our church the last few Sundays, so I had left my bible downstairs), grabbed a sheet of prayer requests, and turned on my ipod. I guess most people don't listen to music when they are trying to read, but I find it nice to have something playing in the background. I began reading Proverbs, but upon looking at the prayer sheet, I saw Psalms 68. It was amazing. God is so good to give us books like the Psalms. I couldn't stop reading!! I went all the way through chapter 70. As I was reading the song "I Adore You" by Rebecca St. James came on. I began to tear up as I listened to this song. It was excactly my prayer. God works in mysterious ways. Yet wonderful ways. My heart was crying out for Him, and I couldn't ignore it. "Blesses be the Lord, who daily bears up; God is our salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverance from death." Psalms 68:19&20.


Monday, July 25, 2011

My Parents

         Thought I'd knock em both out in one go :) (Btw: I absolutely LOVE the pictures from these last few posts. And I didn't take them. The lovely Mrs. Prince did: Lillian Prince Photography. She takes some awesome pictures.)

         My parents are well, my parents. I mean I literally can't live without them. But they are more than that. They are caring, motivating, encouraging, loving, inspiring, amazing, and a a few more "ings".

         I love my mom a lot. Like a lot, a lot. But we might drive each other insane every once in a while. I am stubborn and arrogant. She's the one who has to deal with it. You get the picture. But she loves me anyway!! Now that is truly crazy love. She helps me through the trials in life, and encourages me to chase my dreams.

         Dad. He's kinda' like my mentor. I learn so much from him. I mean he taught me how to fish! Beat that! Seriously though, Dad loves to teach Seth, Maddie, and Me about God. It's his pleasure! Mom may be the one I go to with problems, but Dad's wisdom and encouragement mixed with Mom's sympathy and solutions are an unbeatable pair!


           Did I mention that when I get married I want my marriage to look like theirs? I do.

           Who wouldn't?! My Parents are pre-marital counselors at our church, and boy do they know their stuff. They have cranked out 8 couples over a 1 1/2 years. That's actually a lot when you are pretty much teaching them how to live.

           There isn't much I can say that could actually do justice to them, or honor them enough. I know that people say these things about their parents all the time, or at least they do in my church. But my parents have affected other people's lives as well.

          They help lead a team called the "Hospitality Team". This team feeds people at our church. Ok, they feed 1000 people at picnics, coordinate events, and devote hours and hours to the church. Needless to say, they work hard. My Mom and Dad contribute so much to this team. They have done a great job :) Trust me I've been there watching.

          My parents make up a whole lot of my life, and without them...who would know where I would be. Thanks guys.
     I love you.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mee Lil' Bro

  My Little Bro Seth. He's  a goof if there ever was one, but he has a big heart. He enjoys playing. A lot. Like, more than I have ever seen a 12 year old boy play. It's pretty funny.

Lord of the Rings is one of his favorites. Here are my brother and sister's capes that my mom made for them. They are...unique.

He also love legos, and anything Tennessee sports. Life is orange and white to him :)

I envy him for his....wait for it... eyes. They are so blue!!! And his eye lashes are so dark and full. He's a boy. This shouldn't be happening. But oh to steal those eye lashes!!

He loves doing impressions (The Joker from Batman is a frequent caller to our house). He can also memorize just about any slogan for any company. It's fun to quiz him.

Seth loves people and God. Loves fishing, and loves being a boy. He pretty much loves everything...except Paramore, Flyleaf, and Skillet. Yah that is pretty sad.

Like I said he's a goof. Always making jokes, playing to himself, and just being silly. He's pretty content though. You can leave him alone for hours and he can entertain himself. He's pretty easy to babysit :)

He's my little brother by 3 years, and the one I grew up playing with. Maddie was always so young when I was little we didn't do too much playing. Seth and I explored every corner of our backyard (we have lived in this house for 15 years), and every corner of our house.

Seth. He's a great kid.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

July Birthdays!

 Here we go....I am going to forget someone. Please if I missed you, comment and tell me. Here goes! Kaitlin, Alli (my cousin), and Rylie (my other cousin) all on the 1st, Jackson (6th), Me (7th), and Julia (11th). I think that's it. So happy birthday to all ya'll!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Little Sister

     I am going to introduce you to my family bit by bit. Starting with the baby: My not so little anymore sister, Maddie. She's so cute. So the baby of the family. She love baby dolls, hates pink, loves reading, hates brussel sprouts, and loves Jesus.

    She's the sweety with a mischievous streak at times. She's the only one in the family who ended up with green eyes. The rest of us got blue. Not that that's a bad thing, but her eyes are very uniquely shaded and they change colors. Which is awesome.

    I share a room with Maddie, and there is an obvious difference in what is who's. My stuff is the flyleaf poster, the cd's all over the place, and the socks on the floor. Maddie's stuff is the baby dolls and all that they include (clothes and accessories :p), the art supplies, and the stickers.

   My little sister is sweet and gentle. Until she's the only girl :) Then she blends quite well actually. She runs, plays, fishes (I taught her all she knows ;) [yah right]), and enjoys dirt and sticky fingers. Outdoorsy and energetic are two of her best qualities.

  Seth, my brother, are closer in age than her and I (3 years compared to 6). They are very close in the fact that they both love to play. They play Lord of the Rings, Legos, and whatever imaginary things they can come up with. She enjoys talking to me. She tells me about her problems, her triumphs, and anything in-between. She asks me for advice, which is probably bad judgment on her part :p.

  I love my little sister, and there is so much more to her than what I have named. Hopefully one day you will meet her and see what I mean :)


    P.S. This is our 60th post!! Just look at how far the Lord has brought us and how much He has blessed us. Thanks for being faithful readers!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


  Do you know how many orphans are in the world? To many. Little children left without parents to take care of them. Many loving families have adopted these precious children. Or are fostering them until they find their forever home. My Uncle and Aunt in Missouri are doing this for some of the most precious children I have ever seen! I wish I had pictures. Another is one of my best friends, Kaitlin. She and her family are taking care of two kids who are just too cute.

 Did you know that it's not only orphans that become adopted? I know that this concept may have been presented to you before, but just think about it. Sinners like me have been adopted into the God's family. We were never really orphans, since we had our heavenly father, but we were still apart from him.

 Now we are one less orphan. God has adopted us. And the only reason he could is because of Jesus. Isn't that awesome?! As Christians, we can sit at his table. Jesus is so good!

 Pray for all the orphans in the world. Whether they are without parents or without Christ.


 P.S. Why don't you go check out On Our Knees In Prayer? It's on Melanie's blog Forever His Servant. It's a great opportunity :) I joined and I think you should too.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Back :p

   If you were wondering if I fell off the side of the world...I didn't. Haha I have just been so busy that I haven't had time to post! One thing I would like to post about would be Sunday's sermon at my church. It was about walking in integrity. So convicting and encouraging. If you are interested in listening to it here's a link to the website: Cornerstone Church of Knoxville. You can usually download the messages from the site. Well, I am off to finish a very busy day! -Bailey

  P.S. I am very excited about my birthday tomorrow :) I will be of legal age to drive!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recap of da week

Well last week was so much Fun!!! Tuesday my Photography class had a field trip and had a friend to spend the night after that Wednesday was fun took more pictures and laughed til i gave myself the hiccups =) Thursday went tubing/ in a river all day with friends .... that was so much Fun! Saturday play soccor with friends then went to Relay (our youth group) POOL PARTY!!! Sunday i love Sundays... we watched 3 movies... Yogi Bear well forgettable, Tron was pretty cool, and well I am number four was intense... and Monday went tubing with a few friends... then sort of watched a movie... well i didnt really watch it i was busy working with duct tape =) i made a bow tie & earrings. i also make hair bows, rings, bracelets, necklaces/well they are more like chokers and i am working on making wallets.... and myself a hat =) so what colors do i have well i also have black
=) well thats all for right now.. ttfn ~ Brianna

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hey You!

Hey you! you might not now it but someone some where looks up to you! I didn`t realize how much my 4 (Hope) and 6(Faith) year old cousins look up to me til i went to Missouri last week. For one thing Faith now loves the color Green (she is a little fashion diva/LOVES the color pink!) . Hope told me that she could now hullo-hoop as long as i can...=) and she asked "Are you so proud of me that i can blow a bubble with my gum?" =) and this little journal that we send back and forth to each other we both of the started out with "I love you Brianna" I just want to hug them to pieces... so you might not notice it but someone is watching you.

Duct Tape Test Dummies

  Hello all!

    OK, so I think I am going to start making custom duct tape creations for people. Hey don't hate it until you've tried it. I made my uncle one of the coolest wallets, and I can also make hair bows, rings, and bracelets. I might start making belts and possibly a hat. Maybe. I don't know. Anyway, if you want me to make you something, just send me your order to The colors I have are orange (bright orange), aqua, and purple/blue tie-die. The first few will be free, since they are kinda practice versions. But eventually if I get good enough, maybe I'll make them cheep. Cuz' colored duct tape ain't cheep. So like $2 for a wallet, and like $1 for bracelets and rings. They are harder than they look to make :) You can haggle with me though. Remember the first few are free! -Bailey

Living For Christ in Everything

 At Care Group (or small group for church) last night, I was talking to some friends about movies. We ended up on the subject of Transformers, and the fact that one girl only really watched 30 minutes of the movie due to all the fast-forwarding they had to do. Skipping over bad parts. Why would you even watch something like that if you only get like 30 minutes?

 Then other movies came up, and all the while I was just thinking: "You are a Christian. Why are you watching this stuff?!" But it isn't just movies. It's books, music, media, and even people. As Christians, we have to give things up so we can live completely for Christ. That might be a movie you really wanted to see. But if it has a bazillion cuss words or inappropriate content, then you shouldn't watch it. It's not gonna' glorify God in any way.

 Living for Christ means glorifying Him in all you do. This isn't always easy. I really want to see this movie, or read this book, or listen to this song. But if I love God as much as I say I do, then giving up something small like that will be easy. You will be happier after you give something up, because God will fill the space it left. It's refreshing really.

 My fall is music. I LOVE music. All kinds. And sometimes, I like a song that isn't Godly at all. I have learned that I can't always listen to everything. And I was happy to give up Katy Perry, or Maroon 5 (that was really hard, since I grew up with Maroon 5). Giving something up for God is the best reason to give something up.

 When you remove those un-Godly things, it makes room so you can fill those areas of your life with more of God. Less time watching movies and listening to music, more time to spend with Him. Loving Jesus means changing your ways to suit Him. And trust me, it's worth it. :)


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rambling =)

Just got back from Missouri... 3rd trip i`ve been since December... took a million pics (of course)... read a book in the car... Leaving by Karen Kingsbury now I need to read the 2nd one! Why did it have to end saying " She couldn`t wait for the adventure to begin." !!! That is one reason i don`t like series book when I start one I have to keep reading them! (I am a book worm...) =) Well i need to finish my Photography assignment (did I mention that i am taking one this summer) Wow! summer is flying by and i havn`t been with around my friends!!! (it seems like i havn`t seen them or really talked with some in forevas) Well i need to finish my Photography assignment.. =) upload around 600 pics... ttfn! ~Brianna

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My New Favorite Song...

    Paramore is rockin'! After listening to some old 80's songs with my dad, he let me show him this one. It's from the third Transformers   movie. I officially love it! Enjoy! -Bailey


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Amazing Pics

 The last post was our 50th post!!!! Yah!!!

  Now to business. Some of these pics I got from "The Guys" blog. If you are one of "The Guys" you know who you are (Grant, Brient, Henry, Jack, Dennis, and Ben). It was either Hardcore and Etc. or Bear Grylls is Really Awesome. I believe you can check out Hardcore under our "Blogs to Check Out" page. Enjoy the crazy and fun pics with some commentary from yours truly :)

                          Well... I don't really have much to say other than he had better aim high.


:) This guy plays better than me. If you have seen me play ping-pong (or any sport involving had-eye coordination) then you know that even this lizard is better.

I really love this one. Poor dog. I wonder just how they got this shop?

                       Ah, yes. Paramore. Bestest band other than my other faves. Gotta love em'.

                     After half a semester studying this fairytale (ask me later), this was a refreshing sight to see. I never liked the "Prince" after his transformation. He couldn't pull off a ponytail.

                  And last but not least, a picture I took myself. It's of my piano at home. I really do like this picture. More to come over the summer I suppose. And don't be surprised if they are a little crazy ;)


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Birthdays

  Almost forgot :)

   Alicia (1st), Dennis (4th), James and Melanie (21st), Rachel (23rd), Khloe (29th), and last but not least my wonderful Dad, Greg (16th).

  Happy Birthday to all our June babies!! Who arent really babies anymore! They are all over the age of 14 :)

The Little Things

 The little things are what make me the happiest...for example, when a friend knows you are struggling with something, and tells you how much she cares for you and that she is there for you. AH so wonderful! That isn't very little to me, but it's just something that helps!

 The little things that God puts into your life are sometimes the things that stand out most. At Advance, a group of people all got together and just sang. Two guys on guitars, and like 6 girls all singing in harmony, praising God. I was one of them, and let me say it was very refreshing just to sit and sing to the Lord with a bunch of your friends.

 The times that I have goofing off with my family. We were riding in the car on Monday, just running errands, and ended up laughing and cracking jokes. Listening to music, dancing around. Those times are great :) My dad loves to listen to 80's music and reminisce....and he loves it when I listen to it as well. I'm not much for it sometimes but it can be fun.

  I could sit and talk all day about how happy I am with just the little things to satisfy me. Love em'! God knows exactly what to throw my way. Love that He loves me. Love that He cares enough to do the little things for me.

  Just kind of rambling right now, and I need to get ready to leave. My mom's car is in the shop, and we are going to pick it up. See ya'!


 P.S. My spelling is awful!! Tell me if I spell stuff wrong please :)

Monday, June 13, 2011


 OK, for the record: those pictures of me from advance (volleyball posing oddly, and the one of the upside-down child almost hitting the water) are not my greatest. But at least you can laugh at me :)

  Right now in life, I'm kinda' stuck. Between trying to understand God's plan for my life, and waiting on God to do something with it. Patience is not my best virtue. I really don't like not knowing what will happen to me in this life. What I will do, who I will marry, when I will die. Those questions always nag me.

 I have learned that you have to pursue God. But then you are also supposed to wait on the Lord. Be patient and let God take control. So where is the happy medium?

 Right now, I am waiting. I want to let God take the wheel and do something in me. But I am also praying that He would do something soon! Pray for me please, if you would! And if you are in the same position, then I will pray for you! We as Christians should always be there for each other :)

 I must be off... Man VS Wild is on. Yah I'm a nerd :p


Advance PICS!!!


Monday, June 6, 2011

We're Back!

  Hey Ya'll!

  We are back from ADVANCE 2011! And let me tell was epic. The messages were challenging and inspiring. The games were hilarious. The competition was, understandably, competitive. The white water rafting was quite the adventure (our boat got stuck for 20 minutes, and everyone else from our group had to wait for us). And the lake/blob was a lot of fun.

   My favorite part was the extended worship on Friday (I think it was Friday) night. It was so amazing. The presence of God was felt. My friends and I prayed for each other in a not so small group (have I mentioned how amazing my friends are :)?), and there was not a dry eye in the place.

  Well, I'm glad to be back, and I'm sure that Brianna has plenty of pictures to follow :) See ya!


Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day and Why We Remember It

    Hello all! I hope you have had a great Memorial Day weekend! I have :) I thought that maybe I would share why Memorial Day is so special to me. For one thing: Freedom isn't free. Thousands...millions of men have died for our country and our freedom.

   The second thing: I have had family in the wars. They didn't die. At least the ones I knew or knew of. My great-great-Uncle Max was a WWII hero. He fought off battalions of German soldiers by himself!! Protecting the few survivors that were left, he blew up tanks, and shot machine guns until the barrels literally melted. When he arrived home to his small town, he was welcomed as a hero.

  The other family member that was in a war was my Uncle Ronnie. He was my grandfather's brother. He served two (I think it was two) tours in Vietnam. In February, he passed away from an illness. He was really special to our family, and I am glad to remember him today.

  Our country has been through a lot, and mostly on the backs of the common soldier have we come through. Soldiers are most definitely not common. They are faithful, unselfish, and have a passion for their country.

   Well, we are having a little get-together with some friends today to celebrate so I'm off to finish cleaning and helping mom get food. Have a wonderful and blessed memorial day! -Bailey

Saturday, May 28, 2011


 I am done with school. YES.

Whenever I tell someone I'm home schooled, they usually look like they have been slapped by a leprechaun.

Advance is in 5 days. OMIGOSH. It seems like we just came back from last years.

My friend Arianna has a gift. Whenever she listens to Christmas gets cold. Or snows. That post where I said it was 50 degrees? Yah that was after she listened to Christmas music.

I had candy for breakfast (NOT USUAL!! I have never had candy for breakfast before, nor do I plan to.)

I am not planning on playing any sports in the summer. Man I will stink for the  regular season swimming!

My family and I went to a really beautiful wedding last night. It was a lot of fun :)

I am so bored, I can't think straight! It's a Saturday when my family doesn't want to do anything.

I had a dream last night that I went to San Fransisco. It was really awesome.

I am going to get off now...but I will leave you with an awesome music video. Enjoy.


ps. It's 5 days to Advance XI. Just to remind you ;)


Monday, May 23, 2011

Born Again: More Than Just a Make Over

  Last year at Advance, Mark Altrogge spoke on being born again. He explained that it's a process where God takes away your old heart, and gives you a new one that is joined with Christ. Isn't that cool?! We now have a heart joined with Christ Jesus!

  He also explained that you are now as if you haven't sinned. Your slate has been wiped clean, you could say. I was thinking about this earlier, and came up with a little thing to help describe what has happened to me. I have been REmade, REjuvinated, REdeemed. It's true! If you born again in Christ, then you are the same.

This song by Tenth Avenue North that describes this perfectly. You aren't what you've done.

      Truly an awesome song!

     I hope to post some pictures, and maybe some links to messages from Advance. They are really worth checking out :) Have an awesome day! -Bailey

Sunday, May 22, 2011


ADVANCE is NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I`m not excited..... =D it seems like forever since the last time I blogged... My Mom came home Thursday, She said she needs to go back....soon.... 1 or 2 times this summer.... idk if I will be going on either one of them... hum.... My older bro Nathanael will be moving back in for the summer...... Jason is trying to fix our basement up so it can be his room... I start a photography class in June.. =D =D Well, Thats all for now ttfn!

~ Brianna

p.s. I take Pictures of shoes all the time.... =D

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

 Ok, so, it's May 18th....and it's 50 degrees outside. I am wearing a jacket inside! I am also on summer break. Pretty weird, huh? Well, to cheer you all up from a very cold summer day, I will tell you that it is 15 DAYS UNTIL ADVANCE. OHMIGOSH. I'm not excited at all, as Brianna would say. For those of you that don't know, Advance is our yearly youth group retreat. It's seriously awesome.
    Well, I came across VFC (Volunteers For Christ, our church's campus ministry) made just for fun, and thought you might like to see one. Enjoy, and don't freeze! -Bailey


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weekends...yes. you hear that? That's right. I hear nothing. No children screaming, stressful moaning, and no pen/pencil on paper. Oh yah, and just to say: I was the one making all of those noises this week. It was the last official week of school, and I turn in all my finals on Tuesday. Then it's off to 3 class parties to celebrate! Yep, life is good. And what makes it better is that I have been introduced to hazelnut spread (aka Nutella). OHMIGOSH. It is amazing! I really don't know how I had never tryed it until like, 3 minutes ago!

   The weekends are an awesome time to just relax, and reflect on the week. Nah, I'd rather not reflect. I didn't really do anything but stress over my persuasive essay that is due Tuesday. YIKES! I just finished it...on a Saturday. Yet, it felt easier that on any week day. Hmm. Odd. Anyway, I will still have math over the summer, but that really doesn't bother me. If I only have math. And math is what you always forget over summer anyway!

   I officialy have 3 days until beautiful, radiant, much needed summer comes. Then I can sleep until noon (maybe not :p) and swim all I want! I miss the swim season. Which I never thought I would say. But I really want to swim this summer. Swimming is hard, but amazing. Well, I am going to go and enjoy the rest of my lovely weekend (Thank you, God. For weekends.). I recommend you do the same. Enjoy! -Bailey

   P.S. Sorry if I complained about school...but you know that freshman year was hard. Admit it :)
  P.S.S. I just realized that I am 3 days away from being done with my first year of high school!!!!! I survived!!!! Ok. I am actually going now.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Love Runs Both Ways...

    Lately, I have been realizing that God loves me. Yah, I know. That sounds pretty typical. Even a 2 year old knows that! But I mean just what I said: He loves me. Think about that for a minute. Why in the world would God love me? What have I done where I would deserve such love?

   We got my Mom the David Crowder Band CD "Church Music" for Mother's Day. We all love it, and there is one song that sticks with all of us. Its called "How He Loves".
 "He is jealous for me,
 His love's like a hurricane, and I am a tree.
Bending beneath, the weight of His wind and mercy."

 We truly are trees. We soak up the living water, we grow only because He shines His light and gives His love, and we bend (not break) beneath His wind and mercy. The fact that His wind and mercy is so much and we still don't break beneath it's weight is amazing! The fact that God loves us at all is amazing! New mercies each morning. Wow!

  The best part about His love, is that He sent his one and only, beloved son, to be the sacrifice for our sins. We should have had the place on that cross. Not Jesus. Yet, He took it anyway. And what did we do? We laughed, and scoffed. But He forgives us even then! He is so merciful and loving. Even when we were scoffing Him, He was thinking, "I love you and I'm doing this for you."

  Yes, God loves me. And do you know what? I love him too. I used to feel like all God expects from us is our respect and reverance. Yah, He wanted love too, but He was always the scary God who scared me into loving Him. Now I know that He doesnt want that kind of love. He wants the kind we give freely. And He wants it because He first loved us. I love Him, because He first loved me.

   God loved me before I existed. Don't you think I should love the God that sent His son to die for me? That gives me new mercies everyday ? I do. And I do love Him. He loves you too. My hope is that I will learn and grow in God. Learn more about His love :) I hope this makes sense...I really want it too! And don't think that this is a brand new discovery, because I figured this out a few years ago. Well, more like God revealed it to me a few years ago.

  Before I go, I would just love to mention how excited I am about Advance 2011!!! It's coming fast! June 2-5. AHH! God meets me and all the other teens in my youth group there, and it is truly amazing. Well, have a great Wednesday!
<3 Bailey

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Neeley, Brianna, and Me

   This weekend, Brianna, our friend Neely, and I went to a wedding. It was so much fun! And they had some decorations outside that were so cute, we just had to take advantage of them :) Hope you enjoy!- Bailey

 p.s. We all took turns taking pictures, so you got a little bit of all of our styles ;)